The discography of the Jazz Cerkno Records label is enriched with another, this time a concert album. It is an album by the quartet A.G.A.T. entitled Live at Jazz Cerkno. It is also the debut of the band, which had its premiere performance at this year’s festival. A.G.A.T. is a new Slovenian band, consisting of both established names and younger forces who have gained experience in bands of very diverse genres. They are united by the desire to explore new sound possibilities that arise at the intersection of classical instruments and electronic devices. The band’s expression is based on the direct interaction between live instruments (guitar, bass, drums) and the processing of their sounds with electronics, which takes place during the concert itself. The compositions for guitar, bass and drums were created by Aleš Valentinčič – Brdonch, who invited Andrej Kobal to collaborate to add a new dimension with electronics to the music, which draws from jazz and blues as well as progressive rock. Guitarist Aleš Valentinčič – Brdonch is a veteran of the domestic alternative scene; we know him from bands such as Link Der Wasser, Kombo or Harlem Underground and numerous improv groups. Drummer Gal Furlan has released more than 30 albums. He was the initiator of the establishment of the Štala Club in Lokavec, which organizes concerts, exhibitions, workshops, etc. Bassist Timi Vremec, a student of Zlatko Kaučič and Jošt Drašler, is active in genre-diverse bands such as Kombo, Nesesari Kakalulu, Kavasutra, Gal Furlan Quartet or Bregove dere. Andrej Kobal works in many musical fields, from sound design and film music to sound installations. His GranuRise virtual instrument, which he also used during the concert, has received worldwide acclaim. The album covers the entire performance, but with the difference that the concert is divided into tracks, including a track played on the encore of the well-received performance. The album was released on CD and digital streaming platforms.